Yesterday's Weapons Forums

What military caliber has killed the most people ?
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Author:  A square 10 [ Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What military caliber has killed the most people ?

OK - if thats where we go - yes those were a necessity , too many had died already and too many were going to die oif that stupid war had gone on , im not a pacifist - you all know that , im just really put off by this topic in the way presented ,

some here have expressed sensitivity to the political feelings of others here that differed with other members , while i would never censor this topic i feel obligated and perfectly free to say i still find it offensive as presented , just my two bits for all that is worth ,

off my soapbox , carry on ,

Author:  trap4570 [ Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What military caliber has killed the most people ?

I just saw this and I would have to go with the 8mm then the 303. Both rounds were used in their MG's. I would include the French but their Chauchat MG could hardly get through a clip of ammo.

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