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 Post subject: went Dutch
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:43 pm 
Gunnery Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant

Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:58 pm
Posts: 241
Location: Central hell (Columbus, OH)
I finally took my Dutch Beaumont out to the range. Put 25 rounds through the tube with all of them going bang with no bad results. My accuracy was typical for me. I was on paper, mostly, and with the last few rounds actually achieved something that you call a group. It seems that the more rounds I put out, the better my accuracy got. I guess the barrel fouling with black powder was a benefit in that regard. Next time out, I'll remember to bring a device that can take pictures and provide some documentation of all the fun I had.


"We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist"
Victoria 1899

 Post subject: Re: went Dutch
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 5:36 pm 
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
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Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:04 pm
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Location: On the couch a lot now that I'm retired
Before I sold mine to Dutch Mosin, I used the Lee 345 grain as shown in the link and AA 5744 powder. Lee makes a double cavity mold for that .457" boolet, and it's very close to the original weight used by Dutch Military. I like AA5744 much better than BP. Plus it's a lot easier for me to find in this part of the world than BP. SW


Slava Ukraini!!

 Post subject: Re: went Dutch
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:56 pm 
Gunnery Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant

Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:58 pm
Posts: 241
Location: Central hell (Columbus, OH)
I must be a sick puppy. I really like shooting black powder. It's great fun when the gun line is full of kids with their tupperware. That cloud of thick smelly smoke invading their nostrils and blocking their vision gets some great comments. Some of them get all indignant about how they can't enjoy the range while this is going on. Fortunately, most of them go COOL! They enjoy a bit of old school shooting. I admit that cleaning up after a session of black powder shooting can be messy to say the least. For me though, it's worth it. A good friend has any number of smokeless loads for my black powder rifles. I may just give some of them a try one day. NebrHogger, I will write your load suggestion down and keep it against the day I need to try it out.


"We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist"
Victoria 1899

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