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 Post subject: Powder available
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 3:23 pm 
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
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Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:04 pm
Posts: 11655
Location: On the couch a lot now that I'm retired
I was into Murdoch's (feed & seed farm kind of store) & noticed they had gunpowder available. Two pound limit. Titegroup was $31/bottle - IMR 3031 was 44. They also had AA1680 which is great for 30 carbine and 30 Herrett. It was made for 7.62x39, but I have enough Euro x39 to last me quite a while. I've got enough of that, too.

Okay - they had powder, but primers? That's a different story - like none. I guess if there aren't primers to be had, there will be powder.

My close friend in Budapest spoke of buying Hornady 7.62x54R steel case ammo @ buck fifty a lick. Kinda pricey, but he says it's that or pretty much nothing over there.
I figured there would be warehouses FULL of surplus tins, but he says no - most of that was sold to American speculators.

I didn't realize Hornady sold steel case anything. Maybe it's made in Serbia? SW

Slava Ukraini!!

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