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Yesterday's Weapons Forums • View topic - Reloading for the 10.35 Italian Service Revolver

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:39 pm 
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
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Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:04 pm
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**First things first... this is the BPC'R' forum and this is a pistol caliber. Well, it was originally a BP cartridge and is quite obscure these days... so it's here with the other obscure calibers! :P **

Before getting into the actual reloading, I feel it's well to discuss the revolver itself a bit. The SMITH BOOK OF PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS claims "over sixty varities" of this model. They list Bodeo frames made of forged steel - cast steel - brass, "and in some instances, an unusual type of hardened copper plates". :-o The article goes on to alledge that the Bodeos made by Glisenti are the best. I am not able to comment on that, but I am very happy with my Spanish model made by A. Errasti of Eibar. A quality work!

Due to the pressing need for firearms in WW1, a lot of these were made in small shops in Italy and Spain... an actual cottage industry in some cases. Which means the only consistency will be inconsistency. Especially in bore diameters.

So before loading anything, SLUG YOUR BORE!!! Fellow forum member Airdale reported his is .425 - mine was made in Spain, but was still VERY well made. Bore diameter is .423. Be careful with this - given that the frames may or may not be sound, you certainly don't want to stress things.

It was not a hotrod cartridge in any case. With a 177 grain bullet, original BP & smokeless velocities were in the 750 fps range... depending on who made them. :?

O-tay! Knowing my bore diameter, I tried three loads. All use the untrimmed Starline 44 Russian case as modified in a nearby post, the cast Lee 200 grain 44 cal bullet and Federal standard large pistol primers.

First, I tried 5.5 grains of TiteGroup. Velocities averaged 775 fps. I feel this load is too warm for my revolver and will not use it again. Primers were too flat, and recoil was objectionable. Certainly not like a hot 44 spl in a Charter Arms Bulldog, but the grip angle on the Bodeo leaves a lot to be desired. I do not recommend this load!

Next was 4.0 grains of TiteGroup, and it seemed a lot better. Velocities were around 675 fps. Recoil was much more comfortable, and there is accuracy potential.

Last, I tried 3.5 grains of Bullseye. Velocities were in the 650 fps range. This is a mild load - possibly too mild. I do not believe I will try to bump it up as I plan to stay in the 4.0 grains of TiteGroup range.

The attached pic shows the groups I fired @ 25 feet. Yes, feet. (A) The wind was a steady 35 mph, and (B) the trigger of my revolver is in the 25# range. I do not have a trigger scale, but I'm confident if I fired it daily, I would soon have fore arms to make Popeye envious!

The left group with all shots touching is 4.0 grains of TiteGroup. The right group was 3.5 grains of Bullseye. I used a 6 o'clock hold & the groups are about 3.5" high.

I've included a pic of the Bodeo with a Russian Nagant for size perspective. Notice the unusual grip angle. I found it uncomfortable with the hotter loads I tried. It was just fine with moderate loads... probably wouldn't help your National Match score, though... that and the heavyweight trigger pull!! :-o

In addition to the standard disclaimers and caveats, be especially careful when working up loads for these old revolvers. What worked for me may be a different matter for you... your mileage may vary, etc & so forth.

The object is to have fun... safely! 8-) SW

bodeo 004.jpg
bodeo 004.jpg [ 53.83 KiB | Viewed 41274 times ]
bodeo 003.jpg
bodeo 003.jpg [ 93.79 KiB | Viewed 41275 times ]
Bodeo1.jpg [ 97.7 KiB | Viewed 41276 times ]

Slava Ukraini!!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:59 am 
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Now that I"ve taken the mutt for a thrash-around, scooped the sidewalk & driveway... here & across the street for Minnnie the cat lady, and most importantly, had a little sleep, I see I neglected a critical issue for making 10.35 Italian Service Revolver ammo: bullet/bore diameter. :?

So you've slugged your bore and find it's .423 like mine - pretty much in spec. The closest commercially available bullet is the .427 meant for 44-40.

I feel .004 over bore diameter is excessive, especially given that the frame may not be as stout as you'd like. There are options.

The first - and best IMO is to call Lee Precision in Wisc. When the front desk gal answers, tell her you want a custom bullet sizing die. After telling her you want .424 ( .001 over bore diameter is okay) she will take your payment information, and the cost will be $25. Takes 3 or 4 weeks for delivery, but for my money, this is the best item Lee makes.

The other option is largely for experienced reloaders. I mentioned I used the 30-40 die to remove the bell and taper crimp. A light came on for me... ( it was a low watt blub) and I figured I was reducing the bullet diameter when I taper crimped. I pulled a loaded round to find that was the case.

After taper crimping the way I like, bullet diameter was .422" Hmmm... the idea light blub got a little brighter, and I reasoned that if I adjusted how I taper crimped, the bullet diameter would be closer to spec.

It works after a fashion, but I'm still ordering a custom die from Lee. If you didn't lock your 30-40 or 303 Brit FL die just right, you would get inconsistent bullet diameters.

Something else I encountered was a little powder sticking to the lube on the cast bullets. I'm ready to load more, and will put a small pinch of teddy bear stuffins ( loose dacron fiber - also quilt padding and very cheep at the fabric store. We had some on hand from repairing teddy bears back in the day) over the powder to keep it off the greasy bullet. 1/4 square of toilet paper would work just as well. With the small powder charges, you need it all to burn for consistent velocity. SW

Slava Ukraini!!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:08 pm 

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I reload for this also. I use a cut down .44 mag case, that seems to work just fine. I modded a .410 sizer with a dremel, ( I'm cheap, but it works fine). I went to .423 also, because thats the size of the groove, and the cylinder mouth is also that size, no point in going bigger. I resize 200gr .44 cast bullets. For dies, I use a .44 spl sizer, then use a 6.5 jap to tighten the mouth a bit. 3.5 gr of bullseye work for me. It does shoot waaay high. I would like to find a lighter bullet, but for now, it goes bang with a satisfying kick.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:57 am 
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Buffalo arms now lists a dedicated, heeled 173 grain bullet for the Italian service revolver. It's $125 for the single cavity mold. SW

Slava Ukraini!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:38 pm 
Lance Cpl
Lance Cpl

Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:58 am
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hi all, does anyone know the black powder weight for the original 10.35 revolver.cheers steve

PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:11 pm 
Brigadier General
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I know I'm probably poking my nose in here where it doesn't belong but when I loaded BP handgun I just filled enough for a slight "crunch" when seating the boolit over a wad cut from the back cover of a spiral-bound notebook. But then again I was under the impression that BP is volume NOT weight, and to never leave an airspace as it does funky things with pressure


It's 5 o'clock and it's watermelon time.....................
because you can't drink beer & load rockets - TXPete

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:04 pm 
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Another item that works well is the soft Hornady 180 grain swaged .427 bullet meant for 44-40. I also use it my Cimarron Arms 1872 Open Top repro ( 44 Colt). SW

Slava Ukraini!!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:50 pm 
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In proof reading this before sending to a friend who just scored a Bodeo, I seem to have left out the actual reloading sequence.

Using Starline 44 Russian brass and Hornady's 180 grain soft, swaged bullet, reload as usual to make 44 Russian cartridges.

These won't drop into the Bodeo cylinder, of course. You'll need a 303 Brit or 30-40 Krag full length die for that. Simply run the 44 Russian cartridge into the FL die a little at a time until it will easily fit into the cylinder.

By thus reducing the mouth diameter, the soft lead bullet will also be reduced to better match barrel diameter.

Go slowly until cartridges can consistently be loaded into the cylinder. Then lock the die so you won't have to repeat the process next time you load. If you load a lot of 303, it might be worth finding another FL die. Have one for 10,35 Italian and the other for 303 Brit rifle. SW

Slava Ukraini!!

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