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 Post subject: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:44 pm 
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
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I took 3 handguns over to my FFL pal to set out on his tables and he was glad to get them. Said used guns are hard to come by right now for some reason. Hadn't an explanation for it... Lyman might have an idea about it.

What to do with the proceeds? Still need an EER scope for my 30Herrett Contender - wouldn't pass up 2 EER scopes for the right money. If the used holster guy is there, I'll turn his LH holster box upside down - need one for a 2" K frame Smith.

Took over a Ruger Super Blackhawk - early 1895 Nagant revolver (1922) and my loaner 469 Smith. Hadn't fired them in easily 10 years.

I'll laugh at guys trying to pimp ARs - there will be a bunch of them 4 sale. I'll be back with a report on the show. SW

Slava Ukraini!!

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:55 pm 
Lieutenant Colonel
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I'd still like to find a K 2-1/2 X.

The heavy mil-dot reticle in the Vortex got me thinking about that again yesterday.
The thick cross-wires are still a bit more than what I'm accustomed to.
Let us know about available rimfire ammunition. Not much choices around here...


Doc Sharptail

"Ain't no Half-Way" -S.R.V.

"Oh Yeah!.....All Right!" -Paul Simon


 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 9:48 pm 
Lieutenant Colonel
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not seeing a slow down in used stuff here lately,
was a bit of a lag during the Cootie Times, folks were holding to what they had for the most part,

however, having said that, the past year or so has seen a lot of stuff on the market on the east coast,
besides the normal estate type stuff ( gun person passes, family not interested, or older folks dissolving collections before they croak to spend the money for health care etc etc)

the used handgun market has picked up,

think about it,

literally millions of folks, first time buyers, buying up everything with no prior knowledge,
so they find out that they did not need it after all, or did not like it, or want to trade for something esle,

I have noticed a bit of an uptick in cash sales vs CC, if that matters

What's so funny about Peace Love and Understanding?

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:06 pm 
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
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Very little for plastic transactions here - pretty much everything changes hands for cash. SW

Slava Ukraini!!

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:36 pm 
Lieutenant Colonel
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What's so funny about Peace Love and Understanding?

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:10 pm 
Brigadier General
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wish there was one on the horizon here i could attend , i do enjoy the window shopping ,

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:45 pm 
Lieutenant Colonel
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What's so funny about Peace Love and Understanding?

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 10:43 pm 
Brigadier General
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yup - a good deal south and east , but i wish i might be able to meet you there - would be fun to talk and shop a bit

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:29 pm 
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
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Not a bad show overall. Guns were stupid expensive, of course, but not that many evil black rifles. A fellow had a BIG sign, "80% LOWERS! with a sign that big I figure the price was, too. Didn't even ask.

Several varieties of popular powder @ $35 the pound. Saw small rifle primers for $170 per brick. No thanks on that!

Not a lot of 22 ammo - a fellow had different standard brands @ $50 the brick. Found a seller with Ely Club @ $60 per brick and grabbed one. Been years since I've seen Ely for sale. Not that I'm good enough to get full benefit from it. ;) :bigrin:

Scope guy was there and I grabbed an EER scope for my 30 Herrett contender marked down to 100 from 150. Holster guy didn't show again, but lo & behold, my friend had a LH Kydex that works for my P7! Reached for $, but he said, "I'll just put it on your tab."

Having a "tab" at a gun show? Now, there's a novel concept! But he had sold 3 of the 4 gats I sent along with him and we'll get even Monday.

Sat down for coffee and war stories (ran into a couple other retired old head RR guys) As always, the 1st liar doesn't stand a chance. One old fart who had actually been a stoker back in the day didn't look entirely well. Hopefully he doesn't have black lung from all the coal he scooped.

Spent a little more than usual but had a great time! :bigrin: SW

Slava Ukraini!!

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:38 pm 
Lieutenant Colonel
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"Ain't no Half-Way" -S.R.V.

"Oh Yeah!.....All Right!" -Paul Simon


 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:19 pm 
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
Теперь предлагаем бесплатную ежедневную маммографию!
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Pics? Here we go... such as they aren't.

Ely Club - Made in England, of course. I'm not up to speed on the possible Rem angle. E head stamp.
IMG_0047 (2).JPG
IMG_0047 (2).JPG [ 62.81 KiB | Viewed 56167 times ]

The scope is an Osprey - a notch or two up the food chain from Barska.
IMG_0055 (2).JPG
IMG_0055 (2).JPG [ 63.93 KiB | Viewed 56167 times ]

Had quite a time trying to get an image of the reticule - my grand daughter photographic assistant went shopping with wifey for supper stuff. Duplex with dots in the narrow part.
IMG_0054 (2).JPG
IMG_0054 (2).JPG [ 35.81 KiB | Viewed 56167 times ]

But overall I like it. I'll try to make it to the range when the weather straightens up. For testing the Ely, I've got a Marlin match target rifle with Hubble scope attached. SW

Slava Ukraini!!

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:12 pm 
Lieutenant Colonel
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What's so funny about Peace Love and Understanding?

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:17 pm 
Lieutenant Colonel
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Osprey as in Osprey Global?

we picked up a 50 cal single shot a few years ago, with a Osprey Global super tactical scope on it,
the scope was beat, not from the recoil,
the rifle looked fine, and the guy I sold it too says it is accurate and great to shoot
but that Osprey looked like 40 miles of bad road,

so I took it off (before I sold the rifle) and sent it back for Warranty,
no issues
no drama
did not care I was not the purchaser,
new one arrived a week after they received the one I mailed them

daggone good sercive,

can't say the same for Vector Optics,
picked up a pile of them in an estate, most new in the box,
had one that was a bit beat, so I sent it back kinda sorta expecting the same service, since it was a lifetime warranty,


that model discontinued (they apparently change models every couple years) so I was offered a $20 credit,

tells me what the scopes were worth,,,,

I still have a few on ebay, and sell one once in a while

What's so funny about Peace Love and Understanding?

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:15 pm 
Brigadier General
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id not heard of either scope before that - i guess i know which id buy , although ive already got a lot of low to medium end scopes on some of my 22s ive never looked for service on any of them , the old mosbergs are so old i doubt anyone would even touch them , but so far they still work ,

 Post subject: Re: Gun show this weekend
PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:17 am 
Lieutenant Colonel
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The turrets look like some of the early Discovery line- which is really no big surprise.
You may have a reasonable scope there.

I've never subjected a Discovery to recoil, so I can't say how well they'd stand up.
Mine are fine on my air rifles~ which is what I bought them for.
Image quality is very good in them.

Your reticle pic won't open for me either on p/c or phone.
From what I can see, style says FFP, which I have one of somewhere around here with another obscure brand name.


Doc Sharptail

"Ain't no Half-Way" -S.R.V.

"Oh Yeah!.....All Right!" -Paul Simon


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